This card game is extremely dynamic and interactive and there you can use clever strategies to win the game. Shanghai Rummy can be played with mixed age groups, it’s easy to set up a game on vacation and it’s a fun way to relax. This game is similar to other well known rummy games, but there are few distinctions that make playing a very different experience. It’s also known as Californian Rummy, and it’s a casual game that’s a lot of fun to play. Shanghai Rummy is one of the best family card games. This is a compelling rummy variation for players that want a real challenge. The Shanghai Rummy scoring system may seem a little complex at first, but there are a number of ways to shed cards and win the game. It’s important to watch the cards closely and you may need to take a temporary drawback to secure victory. This may seem simple it is pretty easy to grasp the basics, but there are subtleties to master if you want to master this game. Players attempt to shed cards from their hand and the player that gets rid of all their cards first is declared the winner. Shanghai Rummy is an interesting version of a standard rummy game. We may earn a commission through products purchased using links on this page.